Thursday, October 28, 2010

Tsarah, deep Tsarah

Remember how I used to complain that Greek would be the death of me?

Yeah, well Hebrew is a completely different story.

I don't know what possessed me to take it,
considering that languages and I don't seem to get along really well.
I guess the masochist in me
thought it would be really really cool to learn Hebrew.
I mean, I had just passed (miraculously) a full year of Greek, and if I could survive that,
well then certainly I could thrive in Hebrew.

Not so, my friends.
See that little word up there?
in Hebrew it reads tsarah.
And man, am I in it.
My last test grade was shocking.
grrrr. not only was I frustrated, but I was also embarrassed.
I really respect my Hebrew teacher, so after a grade like that, I was pretty dissappointed.
So I sent him an email, expressing my frustrations,
and his reply was really encouraging.
But I'm learning what it means to ask for help,
even if it exposes things I would rather hide.

shalom chaverim, l'hitra'ot.


  1. i love these pictures! somehow, you still manage to capture beauty in the midst of distress!

  2. cool! thanks for sharing. (not cool about the grade... but cool about the other stuff like, taking hebrew! and asking for help) <3

  3. Pretty lady, same as what Liz are excellent. (:
    So happy to see photos and a post on here!
