"All i could see from where i stood
was three long mountains and a wood;
I turned and looked another way,
And saw three islands in a bay.
So with my eyes I traced the line
Of the horizon, thin and fine,
straight around 'til I was come
Back to where I'd started from..."
i fell in love with edna st. vincent millay's work while in an airport.
i was with a friend, waiting to board a plane home after a two week trip in the Adirondack's, when i picked up a collection of the major american poets that i had bought for $2 on a street in Cambridge.
the above passage is from "Renascence."
I think it caught my eye because the first two lines described my point of view from the last two weeks, but reading it now, I'm struck by what the Lord is continually teaching me.
oh goodness, i can be so blind sometimes.
if i tried to explain what i mean, how the poem correlates with my present, it wouldn't make much sense.
but anyways, i was writing a letter tonight to a La Vida friend and found God continually teaching me, again.
um, let me go back a little farther. La Vida is kind of the outdoor education program at my school. It was originally developed through Young Life, and the current director brought it to my school and now its become part of the core curriculum. It is a two week program based in the Adirondack's, and is kind of a camping trip, but way more hardcore. We pee in the woods, we eat food off the ground, we don't shower for two weeks....that sort of thing. Anyways, it was an absolutely incredible, life-changing experience. It gave me time to reflect on this past year, my first year away from home and in college, and I've realized how God has kind of brought me right back to where I've started from, and here is the beginning of a new season.
I wish i could make this more exciting with pictures, but I've only taken a few "test" pictures with my film camera, and so far nothing to report. But im sure as the summer stretches on, you may get a glimpse here and there. =]
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